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Cliper - Clipping Path Agency WordPress Theme v1.2.0

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Cliper - Clipping Path Agency WordPress Theme - Miscellaneous WordPress

Cliper – Image Editing Agency Clipping Path WordPress Theme​

Are you a designer who enjoys photo editing or a service holder who works at the best Clipping Path Agency for photo editing services? In both scenarios, here is a piece of good news for you. For the very first time, we’ve come up with a WordPress Image Editing layout for you called Cliper – Clipping Path Agency WordPress Theme. And it meets the needs of Graphic Designers, Freelancers, or industries that work with images.
Envato tested and ensured it’s an excellent quality template built with PHP, CSS, JS, and Bootstrap 5. x for WordPress. This template provides a future update and free six (06) month support by its core creator ThemeIM. Therefore, if you want to work with an eCommerce photo solution, image masking, retouching, drop shadow, graphics, or any other activities, Cliper will be your best choice.
In a word, it’s a custom theme that can improve your agency business for a clipping path and image editing website. In addition, it’s a tailored theme that is perfectly ready to implement at any time, and you can convert it to any platform to use it with ease.
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