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StartupKit SaaS- Business Strategy and Planning Tool nulled v3.6.4

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StartupKit SaaS- Business Strategy and Planning Tool - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

StartupKit-saas is an open source business planning application, built with the PHP Laravel framework. It provides product planning, tasks, business model, swot analysis, notes, calendars, and many more. Users can use these features to create their systems for business planning and ideation.
User Demo URL: Home-CloudOnex

Username: demo@cloudonex.com Password: 123456

Super Admin Demo URL: CloudOnex

Username: demo@cloudonex.com Password: 123456

Sign Up Page: CloudOnex

Version 2.1.9 with Investors is released .

startup kit

StartupKit SaaS- Business Strategy and Planning Tool - 1

This software will help execute ideas faster and more efficiently. With StartupKit-saas multiple users can sign up and manage their workspaces. StartupKit-saas has a super admin portal where the admin can manage the users of the application.
This software is designed to help startup founders to plan their businesses. Founders can discuss the product planning with other users so that all the ideas and planning stay in the same place.
This software will help startups save time on researching business models and plans. Business model canvas is usually used by lean startups. They can just create different plans and compare which one performs better over time after getting feedback from the customers.
It helps to keep essential business documents and knowledgebase in the same place. In the absence of a niche system, it gets difficult to track all the necessary documents for a business on a daily basis. Therefore, a system like a Startupkit can be very beneficial to startup founders to plan better and execute the plan faster. You who buy the software can start a startup and sell this service.
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  1. StartupKit SaaS - Business Strategy and Planning Tool

    Changelog Version 3.5.2 (9 December, 2022) What's New Added an option in the settings to be...