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AdBot - ChatGPT Open AI Android and iOS App

AdBot - ChatGPT Open AI Android and iOS App v4.1.0

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Staff member
socialtor_admin submitted a new resource:

AdBot - ChatGPT Open AI Android and iOS App - AdBot is a highly popular AI-based program that people use for generating dialogues. The chatbot has

AdBot is a highly popular AI-based program that people use for generating dialogues. The chatbot has a language-based model that the developer fine-tunes for human interaction in a conversational manner. It’s a simulated chatbot primarily designed for customer service; people use it for various other purposes. Using the ChatGPT chatbot is fairly simple, as all you have to do is type in your text and receive the information. Premium features like that text to speech multiple language support...

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Staff member
socialtor_admin updated AdBot - ChatGPT Open AI Android and iOS App with a new update entry:

AdBot- ChatGPT Open AI Android and iOS App

version v2.3.1 (15-03-2023)
--[UPDATED] ChatGPT ext-davinci-003 Model
version v2.3 (12-03-2023)
--[ADDED] SSL Commerz Payment Gateway
--[UPDATED] ChatGPT 3.5
--[UPDATED] Documentation
version v2.2 (10-03-2023)
--[ADDED] Sign In with Apple ID
version v2.1 (25-02-2023)
--[ADDED] PayPal Status Enable/Disable
--[ADDED] Stripe Status Enable/Disable
--[UPDATED] pubspec.yaml file
--[UPDATED] Documentation
version v2.0 (24-02-2023)

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Staff member
socialtor_admin updated AdBot - ChatGPT Open AI Android and iOS App with a new update entry:

AdBot - ChatGPT Open AI Android and iOS App

AdBot is a highly popular AI-based program that people use for generating dialogues. The chatbot has a language-based model that the developer fine-tunes for human interaction in a conversational manner. It’s a simulated chatbot primarily designed for customer service; people use it for various other purposes. Using the ChatGPT chatbot is fairly simple, as all you have to do is type in your text and receive the information. Premium features like that text to speech multiple language support...

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Staff member
socialtor_admin updated AdBot - ChatGPT Open AI Android and iOS App with a new update entry:

AdBot - ChatGPT Open AI Android and iOS App

AdBot is a highly popular AI-based program that people use for generating dialogues. The chatbot has a language-based model that the developer fine-tunes for human interaction conversationally. It’s a simulated chatbot primarily designed for customer service; people use it for various other purposes.

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